Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 6: Beach day!

We went to the beach today! The weather was perfect (which almost never happens). Played around with the camera on manual and had a lot of fun. Check out these surfer shots:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 5: Maya. Again.

I took a bunch of pictures of a variety of things today, but in the end the one I liked best was of Maya. Of course.

It would be a better picture if the cord wasn't in the background, but I was afraid if I tried to unplug it, she would freak out and I'd have no picture at all.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 4: Banana bread

I'm hungry!

Day 3: Almost ruined!

Only three days into my challenge and disaster was narrowly averted! I was almost asleep last night and realized I hadn't taken any pictures, so I leaped out of bed, grabbed my camera, and looked around for something to shoot. I figured taking bad photos was better than no photos at all (especially this early into the challenge!), and ended up taking some photos of a vase of freshly cut daffodils. I have a feeling this whole 365-day thing is going to be harder than I thought...

Because of the indoor lighting and the yellows and whites of the daffodils, some of the pictures had an almost sepia tone quality to them which I wasn't expecting but quite liked. I played with the hue and saturation in PhotoShop for this one. (I chose this picture because I liked the angle and tone of the shot  the best out of all the shots I took. What's not good about this picture is the focus. I figure if I throw it into the mix now that just means I'll be even more impressed with my growth by the end of the year!) :D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2: Finally!

Our new greyhound is afraid of everything! Every time I pulled out the camera, she would run away. I was so excited when she finally let me take pictures of her today. Meet Maya:

Have I mentioned I love my 50 mm lens? Look at that beautiful light! Look at that depth of field! Oh, yeah...look at that gorgeous dog! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

The starfish

This one doesn't count as part of the challenge since I took it on Saturday, but it's still cool!

The 365 Day Challenge

I haven't been posting many pictures, because I haven't been taking very got busy, and, blah, blah, blah...I know...excuses, excuses. I've been desperately wanting to take a class to improve my photography skills, but I'm already working full-time and taking classes. So the class will have to wait, but there's no reason I can't keep taking photos until then. With that in mind, I have begun "The 365 Day Challenge." My goal is to take at least one picture every day. I'm sure a lot of them will be awful, but that's better than not taking any at all, right? So here we go with Day #1. James meets a dinosaur...